Jeggins | TS4 | Mademoiselle Barbara

Hey simmers!
I left the community before maybe 6 months and now I decided to come back! I will try to make my CC look better and have more quality and I want to learn to make more types of CC for TS4. Also, I will make CC only for TS4.So, the first creation are jeggins (jeans + leggins ). I hope you like them! :)

These jeggins are only in this color.They are high quality and you can find them in a accesoriess section.

|Created by Mademoiselle Barbara.Do not reupload or claim as yours.|


Hello, I am Milica(more known under my sim name Serafina). I am 16 years old and addicted to the sims 3 game. Most of the time, I create sims, hair retextures, studios, houses and sometimes poses. If you have any questions or requests ask in the section "Ask here" or through our email.

Hi simmmers, my name is Azra(Ella). I am sims 3 sim and pose creator. Hope you like my creations.

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