Holiday Gift Part Two by Mademoiselle Barbara

Hi simmers!As I said yesterday stay tuned!Today I made realistic eyebrows and blush with pores.I hope you'll like them.

I'm a big fan of realistic so I made these brows.It will be good for you to use some brows sliders .
I worked more on texture this time so they are more high quality! 
Blush with pores:
So this is my favourite thing I made.As I said before I'm huge lover of realistic so I made this blush too.
You can see it on chin,cheeks and forehead.

-Lipstick by Praline Sims
-Contact lenses by Shojo Angel
-Hairstyle  by Newsea 
-Eyelashes by S-Club

Do not claim as yours,reupload or anything similar.Before download read this.



Hello, I am Milica(more known under my sim name Serafina). I am 16 years old and addicted to the sims 3 game. Most of the time, I create sims, hair retextures, studios, houses and sometimes poses. If you have any questions or requests ask in the section "Ask here" or through our email.

Hi simmmers, my name is Azra(Ella). I am sims 3 sim and pose creator. Hope you like my creations.


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